Katerina Belkina
Forever Young, Forever Different, Municipal gallery Villa Streccius, Landau in the Palatinate, Germany
Private Landscapes, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Brave New World, THINK+feel Contemporary, USA (online access enabled)
Dream Walkers and Magic Things: Stadtgalerie Kunst-Geschoss, Werder (Havel), Germany
Close-Up: Loosenart Gallery, Rome, Italy
Landing: Faur Zsofi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
XIV Florence Biennale: Fortezza Da Basso, Florence, Italy
Beyond Future Art Prize 2023 Winner Exhibition, Hong Kong Art Center
Nord Art, Carlshütte Büdelsdorf, Germany
Into the Blue, Prince House Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
For All Mankind, Galerie Z22, Berlin, Germany
Magie & Illusionen: Fine Art Galerie und Kunstverein, Austria
Photo London, THINK + Feel Contemporary, London, UK
Dream Walkers, Stadtpfarrkirche Müncheberg, Germany
Dream Walkers, Direktorenhaus - Museum for Art Crafts Design, Berlin, Germany
Dream Walkers and Magic Things, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Spaceless, Galerie Z22, Berlin, Germany
Dream Walkers. Imagery of Change, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
Venice Repast, CreArte Studio, Oderzo, Italy
Dream Walkers and Magic Things, Till Richter Museum, Buggenhagen, Germany
Reflection, GalerieKanzlei im Kunstareal, Munich, Germany
Genesis, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Katerina Belkina, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
AlterEgo, CreArte Studio, Oderzo, Italy
Repast, Till Richter Museum, Buggenhagen, Germany
Katerina Belkina, Direktorenhaus - Museum for Art Crafts Design, Berlin, Germany
FLY!, Photobastei, Zurich, Switzerland
VDNH, pavilion #59 ‘Grain’, One Picture Museum, Moscow, Russia
Paint, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Ideal Beauty - Beauty Ideals, Till Richter Museum, Buggenhagen, Germany
Humanism, CreArte Studio, Oderzo, Italy
Revival, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
The Sinner, Being 3 Gallery, Beijing, China
Empty Spaces, Duncan Miller Gallery, Santa Monica, United States
Vienna Photo Award Exhibition, Vienna, Austria
Reflexionen, 15th Art.brau, Dessau, Germany
Dialogue. Art As a Bridge Between Cultures, CSR.Art, Berlin, Germany
La femme encadree, Gallery Z22, Berlin, Germany
We Art, No Title Gallery & Crea Cantieri del Contemporaneo Venezia, Venice, Italy
Photo London Presentation, London, United Kingdom
Nord Art, Budelsdorf, Germany
Cosmos Lem Jewellery, Wroclaw, Poland
Magic & Illusions, FINE ART Galerie und Kunstverein, Traismauer, Austria
PHOTOPIA Hamburg, Hamburg Messe, Germany
Werkschau #3 Photography, Galerie Z22, Berlin, Germany
Cosmos Lem Jewellery, ICE Kraków Congress Centre, Kraków, Poland
Art in Residence //, Prince House Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
Vonovia Award für Fotografie, Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany
10. Oberstdorfer Fotogipfel, Oberstdorf, Germany
Summer Salon, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
photoSCHWEIZ, Zürich, Switzerland
Antlitz. Würde. Schmerz., Stiftung Christliche Kunst Wittenberg, Germany
Spring Season, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
20 Jahre Wiesbadener Fototage, Luisenplatz, Wiesbaden, Germany
Art Contemporain Conference - Découverte, Espace Miramar, Cannes, France
Treffen sich zwei, Galerie der Kunst Freunde Pritzwalk, Germany
Antlitz. Würde. Schmerz., Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Late Harvest, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
Photo-Eye: 25 years of the photo school ‘Samara’ , Alabin Museum, Samara, Russia
Land//Scapes, Prince House Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
20 years, 20 stories, 20 artists, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Splitter Faser Akt, Galerie Christine Knauber, Berlin, Germany
NordArt 2021, Büdelsdorf, Germany
Brandenburgischer Kunstpreis, Schloss Neuhardenberg, Germany
Re-Opening, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
Cosmos, Lem, Jewellery, City Museum of Wroclaw, Poland
A Midwinter Night's Dream, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
One Artist One Designer, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Seasons, CreArte Studio, Oderzo, Italy
Avantgarde in Wittenberg – 19 Jahre Stift. Christliche Kunst Wittenberg, Germany
Bilder einer Ausstellung, Prince House Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
Delightful Company, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
Korea International Photo Festival 2020, Seoul, South Korea
Bienvenue, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
From Russians with Love, The Ballery, Berlin, Germany
Planet B, BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, Berlin, Germany
Zwischenwelten, Prince House Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
Delicatessen, Galerie Christine Knauber , Berlin, Germany
NordArt 2019, Büdelsdorf, Germany
Personal Structures, Global Art Affairs Foundation, Venice, Italy
unZEHNsiert, Brau.ART, Dessau, Germany
Zwischen Liebe und Verzweiflung. Maria in der Moderne – von Chagall bis Kollwitz, Stiftung Christliche Kunst Wittenberg, Germany
Belkina, Dóka, Wakultschik: Portrait and Storytelling, Faur Zsófi Gallery,Budapest, Hungary
ACTUAL RUSSIA, Saratov State Art Museum, Saratov, Russia
Position Red, Galerie Z22, Berlin, Germany
Transitions, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Primavera, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
ACTUAL RUSSIA, All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, Moscow, Russia
Die Winterreise, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
Layered and doubled, Till Richter Museum, Buggenhagen, Germany
Curators's Choice, Prince House Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
Autumn Exhibition, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands
Personal Theater, Galerie Z22, Berlin, Germany
FO YOU, Marienburg, Berlin, Germany
Kuala Lumpur International Photoawards, White Box @ Publika / MY
Heimat, Galerie Z22, Berlin, Germany
NordArt 2018, Büdelsdorf, Germany
European Capital of Culture 2018 in the German-Maltese-Circle and
St. James Cavalier, Valletta, Malta
Visioni di donna, CreArte Studio, Oderzo, Italy
Professional Photography Challenge 2017, Galerie Z22, Berlin, Germany
NET/RRJET-Edition X, Prishtina, Kosovo
So weit, so gut – 20 junge fotografische Positionen, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Germany
Planet 9, Brau.ART, Dessau, Germany
Denn durch die Liebe wird der Mensch besser, Stiftung Christliche Kunst
Wittenberg, Germany
NordArt 2017, Büdelsdorf, Germany
CRANACH. Meister-Marke-Moderne, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Germany
Portraits - Hellerau Photography Award, HELLERAU – European Center for
the Arts Dresden, Germany
Nature Morte. Contemporary Artists Revive the Still Life, National Museum Wroclaw, Poland
HUMAN/DIGITAL: a symbiotic love affair, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Netherlands
L’ELEGANCE, Russiantearoom Gallery, Paris / FR
Art Affair 2, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany
PhotograpHER, Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy
Urban Touch, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany
error: x, OSTRALE – Festival for Contemporary Arts, Dresden, Germany
Sweet, Schau Fenster - Schauraum für Kunst, Berlin, Germany
NordArt 2016, Büdelsdorf, Germany
Until It Turns Slightly Pink..., C.A.M Gallery, Istanbul, Türkiye
Artgeschoss, Braunschweig, Germany
SKIN, The Ballery, Berlin, Germany
5 Dimensions of Beauty, MART8, Jekaterinburg, Russia
Spring Exhibition, Galerie Lilja Zakirova, Heusden, Netherlands